In 2007, 30,000 Argentines stood outside of Buenos Aires protesting child hunger in Argentina. “Hunger is a Crime” was their slogan. This may come as a surprise to many who have seen the Argentine economy improve over recent years. Many outsiders look at the country’s capital, Buenos Aires and see a cosmopolitan city full of wealthy tourists. However, despite a recovery in many economic sectors, poverty and hunger is still a major issue in this country. It may be difficult to witness while visiting Buenos Aires, but other provinces and rural areas know all too well of the harsh reality. Compounding this problem is a government that spends large amounts of money to manipulate inflation statistics.
Despite general improvements, the average Argentine hungers for positive change in their country. Unfortunately, Argentina has been consistent in its “boom or bust” economic cycle. Even during a perceived boom, many are going hungry in the quiet places of Argentina. Hope must be found somewhere outside of a government that has continually disappointed its people. Who knows what the impact may be of another Argentine “bust”.
Why Argentina?
We fell in love with the country, people, and culture of Argentina during a mission trip there through our local church 3 years ago. Our skills can be utilized in a region with a small percentage of evangelical Christians.
When are you leaving?
Our target date for leaving is early January 2010. (That is only 4 months away!) However, we cannot buy our airplane tickets until we are 100% supported.
Do you speak Spanish?
We both have a foundation in vocabulary from our high school Spanish classes, however we will be spending the first 9 months in language school in NW Argentina. We have A LOT to learn. Sometimes we think Zane is speaking Spanish within his toddler jibber...we’re not sure:)
Where will you be living?
During our first year of language school we will be living in Tucuman, Argentina (Pop. 527,000), . We will live in an apartment right downtown. Then we will move 2 hours SW to Catamarca (Pop. 141,000) where we will be ministering. There we will live in a house or apartment close to the church plant we will be working with.
What will you be doing there...EXACTLY?
After language school, we will working along side missionaries in church planting. They have been there for 22 years and have planted multiple churches. We will be strengthening those churches by training leaders in counseling and ministry. That will look like teaching, mentoring, and encouraging. We will also be pioneering new church plants. We will be starting new small group Bible studies. We will find and develop new leaders. We have ideas in our head and we are SURE that the Lord will have HIS exactly??? Some things are yet to be determined.
How can we pray for you?
1. Pray that we get all of our prayer and financial supporters.
2. Praise the Lord! Our townhouse is under contract to be sold on Oct. 20th. Please pray that all of the little things go smoothly, so the sale is complete.
3. Pray that the Lord continues to enlarge our hearts for the people in Argentina and the people we come into contact with here as we prepare to leave
How can we support you?
Send in our prayer card. If you need one, just let me know and we can send you one.
Direct giving:
Why Argentina?
We fell in love with the country, people, and culture of Argentina during a mission trip there through our local church 3 years ago. Our skills can be utilized in a region with a small percentage of evangelical Christians.
When are you leaving?
Our target date for leaving is early January 2010. (That is only 4 months away!) However, we cannot buy our airplane tickets until we are 100% supported.
Do you speak Spanish?
We both have a foundation in vocabulary from our high school Spanish classes, however we will be spending the first 9 months in language school in NW Argentina. We have A LOT to learn. Sometimes we think Zane is speaking Spanish within his toddler jibber...we’re not sure:)

Where will you be living?
During our first year of language school we will be living in Tucuman, Argentina (Pop. 527,000), . We will live in an apartment right downtown. Then we will move 2 hours SW to Catamarca (Pop. 141,000) where we will be ministering. There we will live in a house or apartment close to the church plant we will be working with.
What will you be doing there...EXACTLY?
After language school, we will working along side missionaries in church planting. They have been there for 22 years and have planted multiple churches. We will be strengthening those churches by training leaders in counseling and ministry. That will look like teaching, mentoring, and encouraging. We will also be pioneering new church plants. We will be starting new small group Bible studies. We will find and develop new leaders. We have ideas in our head and we are SURE that the Lord will have HIS exactly??? Some things are yet to be determined.
How can we pray for you?

1. Pray that we get all of our prayer and financial supporters.
2. Praise the Lord! Our townhouse is under contract to be sold on Oct. 20th. Please pray that all of the little things go smoothly, so the sale is complete.
3. Pray that the Lord continues to enlarge our hearts for the people in Argentina and the people we come into contact with here as we prepare to leave
How can we support you?
Send in our prayer card. If you need one, just let me know and we can send you one.
Direct giving:
U.S. Mail:
Pay Pal:
Pay Pal:
Some pictures from our August travels.
Sharing at Grace Foursquare's Young adult group. LOVED IT.
Snuggling Grandma at Grace Foursquare Family Camp. Fun times:)
Zane & his new friends, Marie and Sophie Miller. They had a blast playing together.
To see more pictures of our August leg click here...
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