Logically, this is not a place to move from. Trees shouldn't be uprooted when their roots have thrived in fertile soil for years. However, our God doesn't seem to follow the principals of horticulture. He is mysterious in His leading and sometimes calls us to the unexpected. It is not out of the ordinary for God to uproot a well-planted tree and transplant it in a new, foreign land for His purpose. The Bible is full of God' people being led in this way. I believe that God is taking my family through this process and Argentina is where we will be transplanted.
My roots began to be loosened this summer when I quit my job. It was the first time that I didn't have an 8-5 job since I graduated college. The process continued as we recently sold our home and moved into my brother/sister-in-law's basement. It is not a stretch to call myself homeless and unemployed. This tree's roots are no longer firmly planted and he is feeling awfully vulnerable. I know that the most painful part of being uprooted will be the final steps of saying goodbye to family and friends. To be disconnected from them isn't something I am looking forward to. I'm a man. I'm not supposed to be emotional, but there is something incredibly humbling about leaving my old life behind and taking my family to a foreign place. My God will be transplanting us into foreign soil full of unknowns.
So despite the attractiveness of remaining planted in Denver, despite feeling weak and vulnerable and uprooted, despite all the unknowns that await us in Argentina, we have a Father who is unchanging. He is a faithful gardener and it is a labor of love for him to carefully uproot us and transplant us in Argentina to serve him and make Him known. Our Abba will sustain us through the entire process and he has purpose for us in Argentina. I believe that we will thrive there as we are planted by Him. I don't think that for a minute "thriving" means that I will grow into a glorious, giant redwood tree in Argentina. Instead, I am trusting that God grows my family and I into trees that impact those around them for the cause of Jesus Christ. This is our hearts' desire and all that we are leaving behind pales in comparison to truly making an impact for God's kingdom.
by David
It is such a blessing to see the desire He has put in you to pursue Him and to make His name known. We are praying for your journey. Lean heavily on the everlasting arms and they will bear you up! With you in His grace, Hillary
Well said David. Both of your roots have been stable and well grounded. Thank God those roots are not only in this earth and dirt but also in spiritual and heavenly things. Blessings, Mary
Let me congratulate you on stretching your metaphor to the limit!
As someone who has lived on the kindness of others for some time, allow me to offer a small bit of advice: continue to embrace the vulnerability. We are always vulnerable - whether we know it or not. Merton said: "It takes heroic charity and humility to let others sustain us when we are absolutely incapable of sustaining ourselves."
It seems like such a strange idea in our culture - "heroic charity and humility", but it puts us right where God can use us best.
All that to say: good luck, all the best, and may God bless you richly as he keeps you safe.
God transplanted me to Denver after college where I got saved, married, and seminary-ized. Eight years later he moved me overseas to love others. I would love to return to CO someday, not just because it is the best place to live, but because I experienced the Lord in such unique ways there, and have such wonderful memories. But for now, I continue on the path he has for me. Your journey is a unique one as well, and you are glorifying an awesome God with a mighty plan by being obedient.
Thanks for sharing, David. Those roots not only go deep and strong but they are intertwined with all the other roots to have more strength through the storms. It is an amazing piece of God's work to disentangle those roots and plant them someplace else. Man moves in and uproots with violence. The Lord does so with measured gentleness and patience. It does hurt, but along comes the future and He brings something precious out of it. As one who has been uprooted several times and am now looking back, I see Him far more clearly than before; especially His Love and Grace.
That is the most precious to obtain is to know Him as He truly is - I think of George Mueller's comment - He is an Infinitely Lovely Being.
Deb :)
Que sus vidas florezcan cada día mas mientras Dios les sigue arrancando... que hermosas tus palabra Dave, hay cosas grandes para sus vidas que pronto vienen. Me siento muy orgullosa de ti y Beth y Zane, no es un camino facil, lo que han escogido, pero sé que es el mejor! Bendiciones amigos!!! Lucas 18:29-31, es cierto y dice that it's not just in the life to come, but HERE AND NOW, in this life as well. He will bless you, in the face of all you have to leave behind, you will never be without.
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