Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Feliz Día del Niño - Happy Kid's Day

HAPPY KID'S DAY! Kid's day in Argentina is only second to Christmas! Children wait for it like Christmas morning. They receive gifts from Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Parents, teachers, and friends. There are parties all over the community and lots of fun things to do. It is ALL ABOUT THE KIDS FOR ONE WHOLE 'DAY/WEEKEND'. The church, Jesucristo Para Todos, wanted to tap into this energy and use it for an outreach in our neighborhood. We are a small church in a residential area, yet we do not have many in attendance from the neighborhood.  We wanted to make ourselves known and get to know our neighbors. I would have to say it was a huge success. We had over 120 children + their families. We made many connections and got our name out into the community. We praise God for open doors. Just a snap shot of our Día del Niño Fiesta.
 Play dough
 Happy little guys
 Julia & Maria did all of the food prep! They are rockstars!
 Serving our community, LITERALLY! Thanks Pedro! 
 Good thing for the name tag ;)
 The teenagers put on a super hilarious skit. Great costumes too! The kids loved it. 
 The neighbors were all out watching the children have a blast! 
 Soccer tournament in the back of the church.
 Daniel, a neighbor, helped us organize the block party. He is our connection to the neighborhood. He is not afraid of evangelicals like many others in this culture. Pray that he comes to know Christ in a real way and is a catalyst in this neighborhood.
 Great skit guys!!
 Art table
 Sidewalk art
 We were so thankful for a beautiful day and a nice turn out!

 The neighbors were so appreciative, they wanted to make a donation to the fiesta! 
Pray for these children. Pray for Christ to reveal himself to them. Pray that they become the link from the church to the family. PRAY...

1 comment:

Erica said...

Wow! So many people! What an amazing witness to the neighborhood. God is so good and has really blessed that little church. I wish I could have been there to enjoy the block party.