Please pray for our friends and family in Christ the Gonzales family. Luis & Doris have 2 children and are grandparents to 4 grandkids. They have a complicated family yet strive to serve the Lord and know Him more fully. The last 2 months have been very difficult as they have literally struggled for their lives. Doris was in the hospital with Pulmonary Fibrosis & Pulmonary Trombosis & is now at home on bed rest for 3 months or longer. She will live with these illnesses for the rest of her life. During the same time her 2 yr old granddaughter was in the hospital with a complication to chicken pox. AND during that same time Milagros, the 10 yr old granddaughter, was hospitalized (in the same room as her younger sister) with a disease called Purpura. Milagros fought for her life on several occasions and we praise God that she is still with us. Everyone is out of the hospital, yet there are lasting effects. Missed paychecks, medical bills, cost of medicine, healing of Doris, and a continued concern for the health of Milagros. She needs to travel to Buenos Aires to see a team of specialists. Please pray with us for immediate needs to be met AND for the healing of Doris and Milagros. We have made weekly visits to the hospital and home to encourage, pray, and provide some meals. Here are some pictures of Mateo, the 4 yr old grandson. Mateo came to our home a couple of times to play, get away from the concerns of the hospital, and SMILE. I had never seen him smile before. Nope, not in Sunday school nor playing with the other kiddos at church.(Like I said it is a complicated story/family) However, I was so blessed to see the huge smiles that Mateo shared with us during his time at our home. QUICK UPDATE: A small group from CO sent money to help this family with medical bills & some Christmas gifts! Blog with pictures coming very soon!!!! Thanks for being God’s hands & feet!
It has been a very eventful year in the life of church Jesucristo Para Todos. We have seen several key people leave, including the founding missionary family. All left in a positive manner and are missed greatly. Pastor Antonio Pereyra has committed to leading the church and has been doing a great job. We saw the baptism of several men during the year and a strong unity within the men’s ministry. Much of this has been a result of Antonio’s ministry. We are now working on a outreach and evangelism plan to reach more people in the community. The plan is called “Casas de Paz” (Houses of Peace) and is focused on promoting families united in Christ. We have been developing a group of leaders to share their faith with neighbors and help guide family unity in the home. Please pray for this project. We are hoping that the church will grow through this project, but more than that, we desire to see entire households transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ. Things are slow right now because of the summer break, but we will continue to develop this outreach and will be using a church retreat in the coming months to encourage church members to get involved.
We are so blessed to live in the mission home. It has 3 bedrooms and a wonderful spacious kitchen/dinning room & living room. Our goal with this home: HOST, HOST, HOST!!!

We had a young family over for dinner & games. We played the WII all night and had a lot of laughs. We are excited to use the WII as a ministry tool to get young adults and young families into our home and build relationships with them. Pray for Jorge, this young husband & father, to come to know the Lord as his personal savior. Pray for Veronica, this young wife and mother, to honor her husband, to faithfully pray for him, and to raise their daughter to love the Lord.
Mondays are our days to take the Sabbath and rest. I love going to the park with my mom and dad. We kick the ball around and I ride my bike.

My friend, Laura had a birthday/costume party at my house. My mom and I were super heroes!!
My best friend, Agustin, & I went to a Dinosaur exhibit. It was AWESOME! I talk about Dinosaurs all of the time now! I love to play with Agu. We are super silly together.

These days I love to play with puzzles and memory games. I’m really good at both! Here I am playing Curious George Memory with my good friends Ivanna & Valeria.
I am now on SUMMER VACATION! I get to sleep in, play in the water to keep cool, and have lots of playdates with my buddies and their mommy’s. My mommy and I are doing some preschool every day in English. I’m LOVIN’ it!
I am now on SUMMER VACATION! I get to sleep in, play in the water to keep cool, and have lots of playdates with my buddies and their mommy’s. My mommy and I are doing some preschool every day in English. I’m LOVIN’ it!
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