Well ,we started out the morning like this around 7:45. Zane is used to sleeping until 9, so this was a bit rough. Let's hope we get into more of a routine.

However, Zane was eager to leave the house and see his friend, Agustine. He looks so grown up.

Zane and Agustine are in the car ready to go. Too adorable.

Ivana(Zane's babysitter/friend on the L), Gabi (my neighbor/Agustine's mom in the C), Me, and the 2 super-star-students. As you can see carseats are NOT a must down here.

All ready in his new clothes, shoes, and horrible looking delantal/cover.

Zane and Agustine playing with some toys after they first arrived to class. So far so good. However I was outside with a tear....or 2. Letting go is HARD!

The ladies decided to get some breakfast 2 blocks away while the boys were 'trying out' their first day at school. Good thing too because we sat down, ordered, and Gabi got a call from the school. Agustine cried for the last 45 minutes and she had to go pick him up. SAD:( However, it did not affect Zane. He stayed and enjoyed himself. Let's hope tomorrow is better for Agustine (and Gabi).

We picked up Zane after 2 hours and spoke to his teacher a bit.
She is incredibly nice and was thrilled with Zane's behavior.

They were given a sucker as a welcome to Jardincito 3A and Zane was thrilled.
Let's hope he doesn't think he gets one everyday!

Zane and Agustine playing in the courtyard after class. Hopefully Agustine can make it for the whole day tomorrow. ;)
Everything went as expected today.
Zane had no problem.
I cried...a bit.
However, I felt ok leaving him.
He was safe and felt secure.
He played and made new friends.
Zane loved it and can't wait for tomorrow.
And I know within a week I will love my 3 1/2 hours of free time each morning!!!
And so the adventure of formal learning begins...
Zane looks so grown up! I used to love seeing all the little pre-schoolers in their delanteles going to school every day. I think the colors are different now though! I hope he continues to enjoy it!
I remember leaving Cale on his first day of preschool nearly 6 years ago. It was so hard and I cried all day. I had a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel the whole way home to keep myself from turning the car around and going back to get him. Thankfully, it gets better.
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