I (Beth) cannot tell you how many times in the past 6 months I have said “this is the hardest thing I have EVER done in my life or NOTHING is ever EASY here.” Besides living in a new culture, learning a new language, and developing a new support system, I have also struggled with illness after illness: headaches, extreme nausea (1st term pregnancy), colds, & thyroid concerns. It always seems to be something. My faith has been challenged through these things and especially during the time of the miscarriage. I questioned and wrestled with God… yet Christ brought me through. During this time, some scriptures became alive to me like never before. Thank you to those of you who sent scripture to me. The Word of God spoke deeply to me. I learned more about the character of God than ever before. God does not promise us an easy life, but He does promise us that He will never leave us or forsake us. (Deut. 31:6) It seems that life is easier in the US. Perhaps because it is MY home culture and I know its rules. Or because there are systems in the US that are more efficient than some systems in Argentina, my host culture. However, God has called me and my family to Argentina. There will be trials in my home culture AND there will be trials in any host culture. So the question is… how will I respond to these trials? What are my true colors that will come out during these trials? As believers and unbelievers see how we respond to trials, do they see characteristics of Christ in us? I pray with all my heart that the answer is YES for me... and for you.
What are we doing NOW to prepare for what is NEXT?!
We have hit the 1/2 way point of our language study and we are starting to look forward to our full time ministry here in Argentina. David has traveled to the NW of Argentina to see some ministries that are already established. David is meeting many pastors and leaders that have a heart to see this region healed from many hurts. It has been a good time to ask questions and listen. We are also more able now to communicate with Argentines and better understand our conversations. We are seeking wise counsel from other missionaries, local pastors and mentors from the US to seek how to shape our next steps. Our desire is to more adequately define our goals of church planting and counseling ministry. The end of Nov. we will be working on our ministry plans for 2011. Please pray with us as we develop goals and determine what doors to walk through.
Prayer Requests:
*Peace, patience, and more grace as we continue to grow in the language.
*God would guide and direct our steps for after language school.
*Health & peace for Beth as her body continues to normalize after the miscarriage. She is also going to a specialist due to 2 small cysts in her neck. Her thyroid is functioning fine, yet they are continuing to monitor the size of the cysts.
I love my new house. I live above a corner store, where I can talk to a lot of people who come in to buy things. My mommy likes it too, because eggs, milk, and chocolate are only 30 steps away. Our apartment is 5 blocks away from a great park and 1/2 a block away from 6 soccer fields, where I can RUN and RUN! My daddy takes me to the canchas, or soccer fields, to kick the ball with me, and to watch the men play soccer.
We would LOVE to receive mail now. Cards are only $.98 from the USA!!
(Christmas cards!)
David & Beth Roberts
Casilla de correo 12
4107 Yerba Buena
Tucuman, Argentina
On one of the holidays, we served a meal at the church. The men cooked locro, which is like a ‘stone soup’. You can put anything in it! David & I were able to share our testimonies. Pastor Antonio is stirring the large vat of locro.

We were able to travel to the province of Catamarca to a pastor’s meeting. We enjoyed getting out of the city, meeting new friends, and spending time with some other missionary friends. Zane played hard with 3 yr. old Josiah. Josiah had large crocodile tears when we had to leave. We hope to visit them again soon.
These are only a few of the many blessed times we have had this quarter.
1 comment:
My friends! I hope you are well. thanks for your candor, Beth.
I love, love, LOVE the excerpt from your prescious little guy!
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