Zane enjoyed a walk to the park.

Zane played hard. There isn't a park with playground equipment close to our home right now, so he has been deprived for the last 3 weeks.


My little 2 year old

The Roberts family enjoying a birthday picnic at the park. (left over
asado meat sandwiches ... YUM!)

Zane greeted his birthday guests. A cultural difference here is that as soon as you
receive the gift, you open it. None of this pile-it-up-on-a-table-and-open-it-
in-front-of-everybody-business. Zane got to tear into it right away;)

Zane and his babysitter,
The birthday party guests: Left to right
Valeria(our language helper/church friend)
Antonio & Loli (our host family for the 1st month/pastor of the church)
& their 2 kids, Gabriel & Constanza
Lucia (0ur church friend/sort of neighbor)
US & the birthday boy

Zane & his 2 wonderful friends in Tucuman.

Birthday dinner at 10pm

asado meat roasting above the coals....yum!

David & Antonio cooking the
asado on the
Zane's Birthday picture banner. Yes, I think I will make this a tradition. He loves it.
Zane had a fantastic birthday.
He finished it up his day with some wonderful skype conversations with his family back home.
We love you Zane.
We pray God's blessing over your life everyday.
We pray that you will become a man of God and shine Christ to everyone you meet.
Happy 2nd Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Zane!
Love you (all)!
awww, happy birthday little man!
Such wonderful pictures! I love you guys!
I'm thinking of each one of you and keeping you in my prayers. Little Zane is changing from a baby into a little boy right before my eyes in pictures. He is changing so fast. Thank you for doing such a great job in keeping us all up with your comings and goings in pictures. God bless you good and sending love from Wyoming.
Alice Williams
Happy Birthday sweet Zane! He is so big! :) Love you guys!
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