Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year From the Roberts Family

Savoring Every Moment
Christmas is my (Beth’s) favorite time of year. I love baking cookies, spending time with family, and remembering the birth of our Savior. However this year is different. We are still doing many of the same activities like baking, sledding, exchanging gifts, playing with the nieces and nephews, and drinking lots of coffee. But at the end of it all, there are some BIG goodbyes that have to be said. So my motto for this season is “savor every moment”. I am enjoying each and every conversation. Sometimes I am sitting back and watching the nieces and nephews play together, and at other times I’m getting in there and playing along with them. I’m allowing myself to feel the intense emotion of the moment. Therefore I have been crying and laughing a whole lot. I’m giving lots of hugs and saying encouraging things to others. I’m not going to let the holidays end with any regrets. So how does that translate into savoring every moment with our Savior & King? Are we putting forth effort to have conversations with our Father? Are we sitting back and noticing what He is doing all around us? Do we feel the Father’s heartbeat for people around us? Do we say encouraging uplifting words? I pray that you will Savor Every Moment with our Savior & King. How will you look back on 2010? Did you savor every moment and have NO regrets?

Zane and his cousins

Our New Year
2010 will start with continuing to fundraise. Our prayer is that we can still leave late January. If you were wanting to give, NOW IS THE TIME. Contact us with any questions. We wait in great anticipation for what the Lord has in store for us this year. May we savor it ALL!

The Langlois Clan

Praise God for:
*precious time with family
*living in a warm and fun home with Beth’s sister and brother-in-law
Please pray for:
*Our hearts to grow more and more for the people of Argentina
*the goodbyes we have to say at the end of the holiday season
*us to reach our financial goal of 100% by late January. (WE ARE AT 88%!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Naomi says, "I like Zane's mother. I like her hair. I like their whole family! Hi Zane!"
Thinking of you!