Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Winter Break & Visitors

We just had our 2 week winter break here in Tucuman, Argentina. We gorgeous weather and amazing house guests! David's parents, Paul & June Roberts, came down to visit us for the first time. We were so excited to have them. Zane would make up songs about his grandparents coming. He talked about them in the morning right when he woke up, while he was playing, and at meal times. He told all of his friends and his teacher. He was READY to be SPOILED for a change;) Zane was ready, but were Paul & June ready? How would they do with a new language, different food, different culture, and more than all of that a very different schedule????? Well let me tell you. THEY WERE ROCKSTARS!!!!! They did a great job communicating with our friends, eating at weird times, and enjoying our great Argentine food. Here are some snap shots of the time they were with us.
Zane enjoyed showing Grandpa all of his books and listening to bedtime stories. M.E.M.O.R.I.E.S!
Zane is spending precious time with Grandma doing what he loves...READING!
June made lots of new Argentine friends through her cinnamon rolls. She was a hit!!! AND so were the ROLLS!
Oh my goodness. Zane had me laughing so hard. Zane was mimicking the rock formation behind him. There were over 10 different rock creations. He is funny & different in everyone. I'll spare you the whole blog of just Zane poses. Trust me. It was funny!
Cafayate is known for its vineyards. This is one of the famous ones in the area. 
We ate and ate and ate. And we ate well. It was fun to see Paul and June trying all sorts of new foods.
They seemed to like it all. 
We hiked up Devil's Throat in Cafayate, Salta. Zane LOVED IT!
Zane looking cute. He came home COVERED IN RED DIRT! Happy Boy!
Family picture near the Cafayate plaza having 'merienda'/tea time.
Paul & June Roberts
(David's parents)
Grandma & grandson....aaaaaaawwwwwwww....super sweet.
We stayed at a hotel close the the plaza in Cafayate, Salta.
Thanks for my Legos, Grandpa. But even more, THANKS FOR PLAYING WITH ME!!!
"LOOK. I'm taller than George!!" "Thanks for the puzzle Grandma."
Zane & David hiking through the red rocks in Salta.
These are only some of the pictures. I stopped using my camera and started using Paul's because I fell in love with it. (It takes awesome pictures!) I'll post more when he sends me his pictures. We did a whole lot more. Stay tuned for pictures of our preschool family get-to-gether, an all-argentine-asado, June's 60th birthday party bash, and Arabic cooking lessons, and more hiking. I'm telling you....good times!!!!

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