Thank you for your prayers and encouragement over the past couple of weeks. I (Beth) felt like I was back in survival mode, which is NOT a fun feeling. Thankfully, I feel like I am getting over that hump and getting into more of a rhythm that works for our family and my energy level. Just a few quick updates:
WE HAVE MOVED INTO OUR APARTMENT! We don't have much in the apartment but we are able to cook, eat, and sleep, which are the basic 3 things we need to do in our home. :) We have been blessed by some people from the church who give us somethings to furnish our home. THANKS! Pray that our new home will be used to encouragement and bless others.
I HAVE GOOD NEWS FROM THE THYROID SPECIALIST! My thyroid is functioning fine. However, I have 2 small cysts that we are monitoring. I will have another blood test and ultrasound in a month to see if anything has grown or the thyroid function has changed. I will not be taking any medicine during my pregnancy but may need to after the pregnancy depending on if the cysts have grown. Thank you for all of the prayers concerning this. I was very concerned. Please continue to pray that the cysts will NOT grow anymore and will even decrease.
I HAVE FOUND A DOCTOR TO WORK WITH DURING MY PREGNANCY AND DELIVERY! I have found a christian doctor that is very kind and competent. I'm thankful to be working with her. I get an ultrasound next week (week 11) and will see her once per month. It is different because here you go to the doctor but then you go to another place to give blood and another place for the ultrasound. Then you retrieve your results a couple days later and bring them back to the doctor. The process really takes a lot longer. I'm learning to be patient. Ask my mom... that does NOT come natural for me. :) I am still nauseous but seem to have a little more energy the past couple of days. Pray that I can do the simple things throughout my day. Pray that I can continue to learn and grow in my Spanish. Pray for strength for David as he has been SUPER DAD AND SUPER HUSBAND!
WE HAVE CELL PHONES. Yeah after months of using other peoples we have our own. I am thankful because I can Skype from my phone and stay connected.
Thanks for being involved in our ministry and encouraging us. We find strength in our Lord Jesus and His body! Thank you for being His hands extended!
Hi Beth. I have recently learned to blog, which has been fun to keep in touch with family/friends. Congratulations to you and David on your pregnancy. So happy that you have found a good Dr. to care for your physical needs and that learning more patience will be a benefit from the experience. Don't we all need a little more!?
I have been praying for you and thinking of you often. Your apartment sounds great and I am so happy you are adjusting to Argentina cultures and your ministry there.
I'm not sure about sending comments or FB messaging. I actually am so new at it that it is a little scary, and it doesn't seem as private, thus I do prefer email.
Do you have an email address that I could have? Mine is a new address: helen.nordquist&
I am an official senior citizen having received two Social Security checks now. Since I've just reached this point, I thought I best get updated on my communication skills while I can still learn! Ha.
It's been fun seeing your pictures and following your news on blog. Love and prayers to all. Helen
prayed for you all this morning especially for you, beth. may the Lord touch those cysts and eradicate them completely.
Hi Beth and David I enjoyed reading about your life down south and I just wanted to let you know that you have family in Portland OR praying for you three and thinking about you. I understand how you feel about adjusting to the culture and new way of life in a new place, as I dealt with the same thoughts in China. America is easier because you have been dong it all your life. But what you learn in Argentina will only make your life in America later richer. I know after living in a place like China I love the US even when things are not perfect here. Hang in there and just let go and become a local and it will get easier. Big hugs from Jeremy, Heather and Lilly
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