Saturday, March 13, 2010

La Vida Nueva

So we have been in Argentina for 1 week now and I (David) am sure that people are wondering what we are up to. After spending a few days in Buenos Aires with a missionary and his family, we moved on to the city we will be calling home (Tucuman) for our language study. The trip from Buenos Aires to Tucuman was about 15 hours on a bus. The bus ride was very comfortable, but I am still trying to get rid of the after taste of some sort of twinkie-pinwheel with ham salad concoction. It tasted as strange as it sounds and probably the only food I haven't enjoyed since I have been here!

Anyway, we are currently staying with a very gracious family. The father is a pastor at a church here planted by missionaries (Borstads). He (Antonio), his wife (Loli), and their children(Gabriel and Constanza) have been very kind and welcoming to us. The children have been great playing with Zane and helping Beth and I with our Spanish. The church welcomed us warmly last night at a prayer meetng. I can't say enough about the hospitality of the people we have met in Argentina. The other couple in the picture is Ann & Aaron. They are from Canada and have been living in the missionaries home while the missionaries are on Home Assignment in the States. Ann and Aaron picked us up from the airport and have be a wonderful resource for us so far.

So the question still remains... What do we do each day? Well, this first week has been an education in a lot of basic tasks that are very easy for us in the states. We are learning how to take the bus, buy groceries, cook and clean, etc. and most importantly communicate in Spanish. Sounds easy, but the schedule and pace of life is much different in Argentina. We have lunch at 2pm and a siesta until 5pm. A snack at 6pm, but we don't actually have dinner until 11pm or 12am. This includes Zane, who was accustomed to sleeping from 8am-8pm. We are adjusting, but it has been difficult at times. Zane has loved staying with the family here, but he really gets tired and hungry at times. Pray that he would adjust well and his parents would have wisdom in taking care of him.

Beth and I are trying to become comfortable with the pace and how to take care of everyday tasks with a limited ability to communicate. We still don't have cell phones or a vehicle either. We have been encouraged that the Spanish we have learned in the past has come back quickly. Our desire to learn Spanish is extremely high and we are thankful that we have this year to focus on communication. When you think about it: Life is about relationships and relationships are about communication. This includes God's love for us. Our love for him and our love for others. Pray that people would see God's love in us despite our language deficiencies and that we would progress rapidly so that we can convey God's love ever more clearly. Monday we meet for the first time with our language teacher, Paulina. Pray that we could shedule a good program of teaching sessions and that Zane would be able to have a trusted child care provider. Also, pray that we could find a language helper (non-professional) to assist us in learning basic words and sayings in a casual setting.

Argentina is such a land of contrasts.
There is Walmart and McDonald's in Tucuman, but there are also people driving horses and carts down the streets. There are very wealthy people here, but there are also the poor with no water or electricity. Pray that God would give us vision and opportunity to minister to all kinds of people no matter where they fit into society. Pray that this would occur now as we are children in the language and later on as we mature in communication.

Blessings to everyone and thanks again for your prayers. It brings us great joy to know that our Father hears all of our prayers and responds to them. He is ever faithful whether we are in the midst of comfort or wading deep in a foreign land, language and culture.


Mel said...

A Wal-Mart and McDonalds! Oh you lucky ducks! I'm green with envy! LOL! Glad to hear you are doing well. sounds like your settling in nicely. We are so close yet so far! we miss you fellow missionaries!

Naomi Sherman said...

Love all your photos! I am praying that while you guys are learning so much you'll have FUN, too!

Anonymous said...

This was so intersting to read! What a culture shock, huh? We are praying for you, Zane and the Argentine people! God is faithful and I cannot wait to see what He is going to do!!!! Susan

Atmosphere Investments LLC said...

Beth and Dave,
So exiting to read of you adventure so far. I'm sure you all will adjust just fine and Amy and I pray that you will see God's hand at work in incredible ways!